Baptism (sometimes called Christening) is a very special occasion for you. It’s a wonderful, joyful moment in which we celebrate and give thanks to God for your child. However, baptism is more than a one-off event. In baptism, you are choosing to raise your child as followers of Jesus, and as part of the community of faith – the church.
We want to do all we can to welcome you here to St Peter’s and give you space to explore the importance of baptism. That’s why we ask all parents to regularly join us at Bramley’s Families or our Sunday Services and attend Baptism Preparation. If you would like to know more, come along on Sunday and speak to the Rector or contact
Thanksgiving Services
You may also consider a ‘thanksgiving’ service. This is a special but simple private service, which is a lovely time when you can be with friends and family, and ask for God’s blessing and pray for your child. Simply contact to book this service.