We are passionate about revealing God’s love in Bramley! Building connections within our community is one way we look to meet spiritual and social needs and to see God’s Kingdom come in Bramley.
Bramley Foodbank provides emergency food for local people finding themselves at crisis point.
Our foodbank works using a voucher referral system, working with a number of different agencies, such as Citizens Advice, children’s centres and health visitors. To find out more about the agencies that hold vouchers and how you can get help, please contact Leeds North and West Foodbank.
Bring you voucher on a Tuesday morning between 10.30 and 12.30 where it can be redeemed for three days’ emergency food. Volunteers meet clients over a warm drink and are able to signpost people to agencies able to solve the longer-term problem.
Debt advice service Money Buddies is also onsite weekly, as well as a fortnightly disability service from DIAL for those who need it.
Bramley Foodbank is part of Leeds North and West Foodbank. St Peter’s Church support the foodbank through hosting, giving and volunteers.
Churches Together
We love partnering as Churches Together in Bramley and Stanningley
We have at least three family friendly fun events a year. They are free and welcome to all. We hope you can join us at out next event. Look out for our seasonal celebrations:
Easter: ‘What’s so Good about Friday?’ in Bramley Park on Good Friday.
Summer: Fun Day at St Peter’s Churchyard early July
Christmas: Carol Concert at Trinity Methodist early December.
2nd Bramley
Brownie Unit
Meet every Tuesday
6.30 - 8pm
Term Time only
St Peter’s Upper Hall
Being a 2nd Bramley Brownie is an adventurous journey of trying new things, learning about our Bramley community, about the wider world and about ourselves. The Brownies introduce girls to a world of new opportunities, challenges and fun. Brownies can go to camps, can go on holidays or day trips together, maybe do sleepovers. Brownies learn new hobbies, are creative and develop new skills. Brownies can choose from a wide range of Interest Badges related to things about which they want to learn more
They are completely run by volunteers from the local community and it's just as much fun for adults. If you're interested in getting involved please get in touch!
1st South West Leeds
Cubs and Beavers
Meet every Monday
Beavers: 6-7pm
Cubs: 7-8.15pm
Term Time only
St Peter’s Upper Hall
1st South West Leeds (St Peter's) Scout Group provides fun, friendship, challenge and everyday adventure to young people in Bramley, Leeds. They are open to all boys and girls who want to get involved.
At Scouts, young people learn while having fun. We encourage them to stretch themselves, do their best, discover new talents and reach their potential.
They currently have spaces in Beavers (6-8 year olds) and Cubs (8-10.5 year olds).
They are completely run by volunteers from the local community and it's just as much fun for adults. If you're interested in getting involved please get in touch!
Bramley St Peter’s
Church of England Primary School
Bramley St Peter’s Primary School is a voluntary aided Church of England School, with close links to the Parish Church of St Peter, Bramley. The school celebrates the uniqueness of every child of God and encourages them to shine. Every child is encouraged to enjoy the adventure and challenge of learning. We love to join the school for their collective worship, support them through school governors and welcome them into our church building for special services.