Lister Windows

These windows were placed in memory of Richard Nicholson Lister and Eleanor Lister. A significant couple in the early life of St Peter’s Church.

Richard Nicholson Lister (1799 -1885) and his wife Eleanor Lister nèe Bateson (1802-1872) were married on 3 March 1831 at Leeds Parish Church (St Peter’s). He was a Gentleman, a Woollen Cloth Manufacturer and they resided at Ivy Lodge, Bell Lane, Bramley.

On the 22 September 1832 Richard Nicholson Lister was nominated for Churchwarden as recorded in the Vestry Book 1823-1832 for St Peters Church, Bramley [RDP14/197 in the Archives].

The following announcement was reported in the Leeds Intelligencer for Saturday 25 April 1840:

On the 18 Apr 1840 a meeting was held at St. John’s Church to Elect Churchwardens - R N Lister Elected as Churchwarden for Bramley.

From the vestry minutes of 1852 a reference is made to 150 regular attendees and that Bramley people in those days had strong personalities but not always either attractive or Christian.

In memory of Richard Nicholson Lister

The window on the left contains the keys of St. Peter with a Bishop’s Crozier.

It is recorded this originally had the words “In memory of Richard Nicholson Lister” underneath the window.

In memory of Eleanor Lister

The window on the right contains lilies of purity and the crown of victory.

It is recorded this originally had the words “In memory of Eleanor Lister” underneath this window,

What more do we know?

Members of the Lister Family were recorded on tablets on the South Wall of the Church in the new church building of 1963.

The first tablet is recorded as made in marble of Gothic design with the words:

John Lister of Elmfield, Bramley, died 1856, aged 68, and Margaret Lister, wife, died 1843, aged 47 years. Also, of Samuel Lister B.A. eldest son of the above who died at Kandy in the island of Ceylon died 1850, aged 32. Also of John Edwin, younger son died at Headingley 1860, aged 38 years.

The second tablet is recorded to be made in marble of classical design with the words:

John Lister 1775 aged 57. His four sons: Samuel, Engineer, died 1805 aged 57 years. William, Iron Founder, died 1811, aged 48 years. Joseph, Stone Merchant, died 1814, aged 50 years. John, Gentleman, died 1814, aged 61 years without issue. Their remains rest in a vault in the old church. They were men of strict integrity and much esteemed by all who knew them. Also of Hannah, wife of the above Joseph, and daughter of Richard Nicholson of Kirkstall, died 1823, aged 61. She was humble and pious towards God. A dutiful and affectionate wife. To her children the best of Mothers. One prompted by filial duty erects this tablet.

These tablets were removed in the 1970’s when the building was under construction due to severe dry rot. In a church magazine dated July 1978 it was stated that it was necessary to remove the memorials on the walls and asked relatives to make contact by 16 July. There was also a note that not all the stained-glass windows will fit into the redesigned building. St Peter’s Church are thankful for the glass that was able to be re-fitted into the new design including the Lister Windows.


Two gravestones were found relating to the Lister Family indicating that they were buried here in Bramley, but laid in the paths of the grounds. These photos were taken in 2011 but removed sometime between then and 2017.

Transcriptions are given here, first for the stone in the photo on the left and second for the photo on the right:

 THIS STONE is erected to the Memory of Sarah daughter of Joseph and Hannah of this Town who departed this life August 25th 1795 Age 2 Years 34 weeks and 4 days. Also, the above said Joseph Lister who departed this Life April 20th 1814 Aged 56 Years. Also, Mary, Daughter of the above said Joseph & Hannah LISTER who died May 15th 1822 Aged 32 Years. Also, here lieth the Body of Hannah, Wife of the above said Joseph Lister and Mother to the aforesaid Children died July 1st 1823 Aged 61 Years. Also, ELIZABETH, eldest daughter of the above JOSEPH and HANNAH LISTER, who died March 31st. 1865, in the 83rd Year of her age. SLEEPING IN JESUS.

 SACRED To the Memory of: Jane, daughter of Richard Nicholson and Eleanor Lister of this Town who departed this life on the 28th day of November 1841 aged 1 year and 10 months. Joseph Bateson Lister only son of the above who died May 23rd 1846 in the twelfth year of his age. Forgive dear Lord the tributary tear That mourns his exit from a world like this. Forgive the wish that would have kept him here and stay’d his progress to the seats of bliss. Also, of Eleanor the beloved Wife of the above Richard N. Lister who departed this life April 19th 1872 Aged 68 Years. Thanks be to God for Victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. On the 14th July 1885 departed this life Richard Nicholson Lister Aged 85 Years. To be with Christ which is far better. Also, Emma, only surviving Daughter of the above who died on the 2nd January 1901 Aged 69 Years. Rest here thy loved ones, rest. And join the throng of those who sing the endless song. Alleluia.

Sources: ‘St Peter’s Church, Bramley, Leeds’ by Alan Dobson, written in 1963.

Thank you to David and Susan Broomfield for their research. Descendants in the Lister Family.